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Cube Audio Magus


    Cube Audio Magus is a  single driver loudspeaker based on Cube Audio Magus drivers.  State of art fullrange drivers combined with very effective TQWT enclosure results in real extraordinary experience. Modern, elegant design and high-quality black or white piano finish make the loudspeaker a beautiful addition to every style of interior. All drivers and loudspeakers are handmade in Poland. Pursuing the highest quality and longevity, the manufacturing process involves both artisan craftsmanship and modern precise computer-controlled CNC machines.

    Magus are dedicated for rooms of 12 - 25 square meters. They are a perfect match for a tube amp with at least 3 Watts per channel. Our personal preference is somewhere around 2A3, Px4, 45 tube-based amps.  Nonetheless, most solid-state amps (especially those working in A-class) are also an amazing match for the Bliss C.  When it comes to placement, they can be placed both forward and placed right against the back wall. They like about 5-10 degrees of toe-in.

Amplifiers that are working very well with all Cube Audio speakers 

Up to 4'000 Euro

  • First Watt SIT-3

  • Feliks 300b Arioso

  • Fezz Audio Lybra 300B

  • Fezz Audio Mira Ceti 300B

  • Music book 250 Power 

  • Naim Audio XS2  

  • Naim Audio Uniti Atom 

  • Sun Audio 2A3 

  • Quad Artera Pre + Power 

  • Tsakiridis AEOLOS PLUS EL34

  • Tsakiridis Hermes EL84

  • Tsakiridis ORPHEUS 211

 4'000 - 10'000 Euro 


Read the review on Hi-Fi Kinights

Technical data

    Technical details on the drivers used in this loudspeaker can be found here.

    All of Cube Audio fullrange drivers gain huge benefits from many innovative technologies and solutions used in those speakers. The proof is not only in the sound but can be easily noticed in measurements of both speakers. Frequency response is outstanding not only on the "on-axis" measurement.  The results are unprecedented.



​Impedance: 8 Ohm

Max power: 40 W

Efficiency: 92 dB

Frequency response: 38 Hz - 18kHz ( 6db)*

Dimensions:  25 x 40 x 94 cm

Weight: 30 Kg ​​

* Frequency response may vary and depends on room size and accompanying electronic equipment.


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